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Blackcurrant Seed Oil
26.00 SGD

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60 tablets per bottle


The Omega 3 and Omega 6 families of essential fatty acids (EFA) have long been known to play an essential role in human health. Research in optimal intakes of Omega 3 and 6 EFA indicate that the optimal ratio of Omega 3 to Omega 6 is 1:5.

With this unique composition, Blackcurrant Seed Oil (BCO) is a comprehensive source of Omega 3 and 6 EFA as BCO has an Omega 3 to 6 ratio of 1:5. BCO has the highest source of gamma linolenic acid (GLA- 15 to 19%).which has been clinically proven to relieve dry eyes symptoms. In clinical trials, patients on a daily dose of BCO for a period of 6 weeks have shown significant improvement over patients taking placebo. (1)(2)

This unique composition of BCO offers realistic hope for effective manipulation of cell membrane biochemistry and cell to cell interactions and therefore a wide variety of skin and body functions such as healthy blood circulation and active mobility.

This product contains Bovine Gelatine. 


Essential Fatty Acids Omega 6 Series
Linolenic Acid 47 - 49%
Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA) 15 - 19% x 2
Alphalinolenic Acid 12 - 14%
Stearidonic Acid 3 - 4%

(1) Grafes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol.2003 Jul;241(7):561-6 Epub 2003 May 27. Macri A, Giuffrida S, Amico V, lester M, Traverso CE

(2) Cornea.2003 Mar;22(2):97-101 Barabino S, Rolando M, Camicione P, Ravera G, Zanardi S, Giuffrida S, Calabria G

Note: Always consult your Doctor or Dietitian before using this product
